Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday Drive

A really cool oak.
Downtown Austin

A really pretty bank tower.
The capital building.
I really don't know...
Capital Rotunda courtesy of Sarah's cam on a different day.

Lake Travis aka the Colorado River
The happiest water tower in Texas.

Cotton Fields

On the way home from church.

The damn.
Out in the country.
Corn Field.

Today was a beautiful day and the leaves are just begining to change so soon they will be gone.
After church we found a great little chinese resturant and then continued on a "Sunday Drive." It was a lot of fun I think all of the girls took a little catnap some where along the way.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Last week we had a flu bug going around our house and the girl's were getting cabin fever so on the last day they decided to sit in the trampoline and listen to some music in the sunshine.

Notice Sarah's sweatshirt, it was 105 outside. They cooked the germs!

PETA Friendly

WARNING: This post does NOT contain any images or references to Lily or Natalie. ( ;

Usually we are not the most animal, insect, pest friendly home. Let's just say we're on a quarterly plan for the people who come out and kill all of the creepy crawlies. So last night when Scott was taking Sophie for her evening business I caught him killing the spider w/ this weapon. If you don't like guns or violence you may not want to continue..........

Yes.... It's a bubble gun. The spider is being bubbled to death.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Drum roll please.........

Last night just before bed Natalie lost another tooth! She did decide to wait until tonight to put it out for the tooth fairy so that she would have today to say good-bye.

Packing Meals

With Natalie's dairy allergy and the new breakfast in the classroom program at her school I'm now pack breakfast, lunch and a snack for Natalie and a lunch for Sarah. I've been having a lot of fun w/ the cookie cutters and making the nutritious food look like just as much fun as the junk they're serving in the schools. Natalie has really been enjoying it too! But Lily just gets the same old home food so this morning I made her a "fun" breakfast and there was not a morsel left on her plate.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Trouble in paradise.... RIP Jason

As some of you have heard our oldest is engaged! Yes, Natalie has found her match in this world. His name is Jason and they've been a very happy couple for the last week and a half, until yesterday...... You may want to sit down for this one if you're not already. He did not want to sit next to her during circle time yesterday. They "always" sit next to each other during this time so Natalie was very sad. I have a feeling this may be the beginning of the end for Natalie's first relationship.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Self Innoculation

So many places.... So little time.....

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Come early come often!

My hope is to set this blog up and maintain it for all of the friends and family to keep up on the latest w/ the girls and our fam. So bookmark this site and check back for new pics and funny stories.
Top: Natalie and Donkey
Middle: Sarah our exchange student
Bottom: Lily on the way home from church.