Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mani - Pedi

Before Nana and Papa had to head back to Oregon we split up to have some fun. Scott, Papa, and Lily went down to Cabella's to do all things manly. While Natalie, Nana, and I went and had our nails done. It was a ton of fun and Natalie did a really good job holding still. She enjoyed it a lot. In case you can't tell she picked red for her toes and purple for her fingers. Good solid choices. ; )

Lily's 3rd Birthday part II

Okay I found the rest of the pictures....

Lily had a great party!

Lily's 3rd B-day part I

Lily decided that this year she wanted a Thomas birthday party. I found this Thomas tutorial online that showed us how to make a 3-d Thomas cake! So five people and two days later Lily had the best cake ever! (I can't seem to find the "middle" pictures at the moment so when I do I will post them.)