Saturday, June 6, 2009


Cottonwood Borer
We knew something was up when our cats were doing something together happily.... They found a big bug on the other side of the window and were both really excited about it. This is not the actual bug, but the pictures turned out far better than our night time pics. According to the website it's the largest beetle in N. America. Skin crawling yet????? Mine is!
Scott was nice enough to capture him in Natalie's bug catcher so we could have a closer look. He was so big that we could easily see all of his parts. Eww! Eww! Eww!
I guess now we have to keep an eye on our baby Willow tree. If it lays its eggs in the base it will be the end of our little tree. ) :


Elizabeth said...

Is there anything that you can do to keep it from laying eggs, like bug killer or something.

Natalie and Lily said...

yeah, but that's not good either. In Sept we have to go check the base of the tree and dig out any eggs with a pocket knife and all should be fine.

Mk said...

GROSSSSS!!!! YUCK!!! Was NAtalie freaking out?

Natalie and Lily said...

No she thought it was pretty cool. But we were in the house. (: