Friday, June 12, 2009

Lily's 4th Birthday: part 1

It's hard to believe that Lily
turned four today (yesterday).
Where does the time go?
Nana and Papa sent a really fun box.

One of the things that Lily asked for were a pair of, "tie shoes." Nana was able to find some w/ bouncy balls that match Natalie's. She says that they do indeed make her run faster and jump higher! What a deal!

After a little gift opening we took a break and went to the theater to see Up. It was a great movie. We all loved it.
Don't you love the 3D glasses? The girls both kept theirs.

After the movie we went to Red Robin for dinner. Yum! Lily really wanted them to sing to her and they did not disappoint.

Lovin' the spotlight!

Lily is a great sharer. She offered to share her ice cream with Natalie. We were going to get them their own Sunday's but hey. ( ;

Don't you wear your ice cream too?

After dinner and dessert it was back home to open some more gifts. So many packages!

Lily, Natalie, and Donkey were excited about her new Barbie dream house. I had help from all three of them putting it together.

*sigh* The dream house is still sitting in our living room partially put together... Scott spent about thirty minutes putting it together before he left for work. He showed me where he left off and wished me luck. Things were going well for about an hour all I needed to do was put the roof on and..... I'm missing a part.. Not an ordinary part either... I've never seen them before.. It needed 12 of these and all I had was 11... *sigh* I called Scott after searching everywhere.... And he said, "Oh yeah, I found that in my pocket." So tomorrow the barbies can move into their new crib.


Mk said...

Man!!!! i was just in Austin and she looks soooo much older!!!!! Her hair is TOOOOO cute.

Word Tosser said...

You girls are heart breakers... I kept saying.... awwww.... just want to hug you both... getting so big...
Great pictures Mom...
love that cat in the doll house